Mastering English with Authentic Assessment: พัฒนาภาษาอังกฤษผ่านการประเมินตามสภาพจริง

Mastering English with Authentic Assessment: พัฒนาภาษาอังกฤษผ่านการประเมินตามสภาพจริง
วิทยากร / สังกัด :
  • ผศ. ดร.ปริวรรต อิ่มสอาด - คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
  • อาจารย์ธัชกฤช มาตยะขันธ์ - คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

In response to the ongoing academic shift towards the integration of authentic language in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms, this presentation aims to familiarize English language educators with the concept of authentic assessment. It explores the design and implementation of language learning through real-life tasks or activities. Educators will gain insight into the foundational principles of authentic assessment, and participants will be exposed to practical methodologies for aligning language assessments with contextual and classroom-specific considerations. The presentation underscores the importance of immersing learners in authentic language contexts and emphasizes the significance of enabling students to practice language skills in real-world scenarios. Also, this session seeks to prepare English language educators by bridging the gap between language learning in the classroom and practical language use by providing a comprehensive understanding of theoretical foundations, practical methodologies, and examples tailored for ELT classrooms. The presentation serves as a valuable resource for language educators looking to enhance their assessment practices and effectively cultivate language proficiency. By focusing on authentic language usage, this session aims to equip educators with the tools to guide students toward successful language application in real-world contexts.